2012 Annual Report

We are excited at introducing our 2012 annual report, capturing highlights from a year where we have continued to push the innovation frontier for programs in North Korea. The report kicks off with the following introduction from Managing Director Geoffrey See:

This year, we continued to grow programs we have conducted since 2010. On the operational side, we have improved our ability to execute well on programs, with a 17% selectivity ratio for our overseas programs, and managed to bring the average age for overseas program participants to 31 years old.

We have also continued to push program frontiers with a new program in Singapore housing DPRK interns at a startup incubator. We believe that such an unstructured work experience provides the most realistic introduction to entrepreneurship. More than half of the participants we selected for the program were female.

Next year, we look forward to opening a full-time office in Beijing, and to kickoff a new flagship Women in Business program focusing on young and high-potential female business managers and entrepreneurs.

Click here for our 2011 Annual Report.