More Taxis

A new fleet of taxis can be seen around town. We're told that the ranks of taxis in Pyongyang have now swelled to over 1000 cars, a dramatic increase in less than a year. The newest company in the game sports handsome maroon and green BYDs and like all the others, competes for customers outside hotels, universities, train stations and other popular shopping and leisure destinations. 

Easier to catch a cab than in Beijing, one suspects.

Easier to catch a cab than in Beijing, one suspects.

We couldn't find out to whom the new maroon cabs belong, but it is a different company to the one that runs the "Beijing Taxis" that popped up last year modestly in the spring, but then grew to a fleet of 800 by the end of the year.

You'll never be "marooned" in Pyongyang again! "Marooned"! Ha!

You'll never be "marooned" in Pyongyang again! "Marooned"! Ha!

There are also new red taxis dotted around town, in smaller numbers, but we're told those are not a new company, just upgrades for older fleets. Competition appears to be dragged the older, established players to improve their service, it seems.

