Featured in
28-01-2016 Today (Singapore) S’porean fuels first-gen start-ups in North Korea
10-08-2015 The Guardian How should the world engage with North Korea?
08-15-2015 The Guardian North Koreans step forward into Pyongyang Standard Time
08-09-2015 Be Movement 50 Red Dots Around the World
07-23-2015 Reuters North Korea's very bad year and China's role in it
07-02-2015 Institutional Investor Geoffrey See is Training North Koreans to Become Entrepreneurs
04-24-2015 Reuters The Great Debate Building the perfect leader: North Korean propaganda’s secret sauce
04-22-2015 The Guardian How North Korea's hushed-up economy is hindering its development
03-03-2015 The Guardian Indifferent or awkward: what happens when North and South Koreans meet?
02-05-2015 WSJ Korea Real Time The North Korean Economy: Another Case of Bad Timing?
01-08-2015 Channel News Asia "First Look Asia" (Interview with Geoffrey K. See and Kenneth Tan)
01-09-2015 The Guardian Live Q&A with Andray Abrahamian
- 31-12-2014 The Guardian Why North Koreans will suffer for the Sony hack
- 08-01-2014 The Guardian The North Korean women driving economic change
- 07-23-2014 Financial Times North Korea's Business Guides
- 07-09-2014 38 North Hello Kitty, Hello Wonsan
- 06-22-2014 Forbes North Korea's Businesswomen Need Networks and Role Models
- 06-14-2014 East Asia Forum A new design for North Korea’s construction industry
- 06-06-2014 BBC Radio Peter Day's World of Business
- 03-06-2014 Straits Times Linking Hermit Kingdom to the World
- 02-15-2014 Sino-NK The Tumen Triangle Documentation Project
- 02-05-2014 John Hopkins SAIS Case Study: Business Training for North Korean Women
- 01-08-2014 BBC BBC Have Your Say
- 01-07-2014 CNN Give Dennis Rodman a Break
- 10-09-2013 TED Talks The quirky talks of TED@NYC
- 09-19-2013 38North Sports!
- 05-27-2013 CNN China Closes Pyongyang Bank Account
- 04-13-2013 CNN What North Korea Could Learn from Myanmar
- 02-13-2013 Wealthbriefing Asia The Ultimate Final Frontier Market. “A critical factor that has escaped the attention of many observers is how mindsets have changed. There is an active entrepreneurial community on the ground in North Korea.”
- 12-14-2012 Asia Times North Korea Picks Its Rocket Moment
- 08-13-2012 38 North Are the Arirang Mass Games Preparing People for A Chinese Path?
- 05-14-2012 Korea Times Guidance on Weeds
- 05-01-2012 The Diplomat North Korea’s Resource Headache. Might a “resource-driven equilibrium” be developing in North Korea?
- 04-07-2012 Five Foot Way Kim’s Pyongyang
- 03-22-2012 Asia Times North Korea mired by muddle or masterminds
- 01-31-2012 38North at John Hopkins SAIS Commercial Life in North Korea
- 01-05-2012 Korean Kontext Podcast by KEI North Korea after Kim Jong-il
- 12-22-2011 38North at John Hopkins SAIS The Key Question
- 12-22-2011 The Diplomat Why World Should Watch Rason
- 12-21-2011 The East Asia Forum North Korea: new opportunities in a post-Kim Jong Il landscape
- 12-21-2011 The Korea Times Reform and stability in North Korea
- 12-20-2011 St Gallen Symposium North Korea and the 3Ms of Risk
- 11-07-2011 The Korea Times An Opportunity Missed
- 08-29-2011 38North at John Hopkins SAIS Road to Rason
- 08-23-2011 Harvard International Review Economic Performance and Legitimacy in North Korea
- Geoffrey and Andray argue that economic development is (paradoxically) increasingly important in North Korea’s efforts to bolster state legitimacy (read truncated reprint at the East Asia Forum)
- 07-29-2011 Chronicle of Higher Education Why North Koreans Deserve the Opportunity to Study Abroad. Geoffrey argues that young North Korean students deserve opportunities to study abroad, and that universities can benefit from providing opportunities too.
- 07-05-2011 38North at John Hopkins SAIS Beyond Good Intentions: The Challenges of Recruiting Deserving Young North Koreans
- 03-05-2011 East Asia Forum North Korea: Australia’s capacity to act where others cannot
12-03-2015 North Korea wants to open up its economy, and a small program in free-market Singapore shows how
11-30-2015 TechinAsia Tech in North Korea: Getting online in the world’s most isolated country
11-23-2015 Yonhap News 北, 내각·기업 권한과 역할 구분 강조…'분권화' 전략
11-04-2015 Korea Times North Korean automobile company still produces vehicles
11-02-2015 HOOC 달라진 최신형 북한 자동차, 어디서 본 듯 한데?
11-02-2015 Mashable Yes, North Korea makes cars, and here are the latest models
10-29-2015 Forbes Frontier Market: North Korean Allow Reforms and Dandong Benefits
10-15-2015 Vice Kim Jong-un Likes Cartoons, So He Remade North Korea's Favorite One
10-03-2015 Yonhap News N. Korean officials study entrepreneurship in Malaysia
10-02-2015 RFA 북 관리, 말레이시아 경제개발 답사
09-11-2015 The Guardian The Pyonghattan project: how North Korea's capital is transforming into a 'socialist fairyland'
09-10-2015 통일뉴스 “외자, 북 소규모 개발 투자가 더 낫다”
09-04-2015 RFA “평양서 첫 건축∙도시 설계 워크샵”
09-01-2015 AP Street stalls show shifting face of North Korean economy
08-19-2015 Yonhap News "북한 관리들, 소규모사업자 대출 금융에 관심"
08-13-2015 The Globe and Mail Chinese rail deal raises hopes for economic shift in North Korea
08-08-2015 The Economist Bread and circuses
07-31-2015 The Diplomat How Is North Korea's Economy Doing?
07-20-2015 Chosun Ilbo Entrepreneurship Blossoms in N. Korea
07-19-2015 머니투데이 대북사업 민간단체 "북한 내 중소기업 활동 증가세
07-18-2015 중앙일보 北, 중소기업, 자영업 창업 활발..."인터넷 상점도 등장"
07-18-2015 VOA 대북사업 민간단체 "북한 내 중소기업 활동 늘어"
07-02-2015 Institutional Investor Open for Business: North Korea Seeks Foreign Money
07-02-2015 VOA 싱가포르 단체, 북한 관리들 경영·법률 교육 지원
07-01-2015 Joongang Ilbo 싱가포르단체 "北에 편의점 경영기법 등 전수"
06-24-2015 JTBC 북한의 '삼각맥주'는 석유맛
06-11-2015 The Independent Fire breaks out at Koryo Hotel in Pyongyang, reports say
06-04-2015 Reuters Pyongyang Bling - The rise of North Korea's consumer comrades
06-02-2015 Washington Post Feeling adventurous with your money? North Korea wants your investment.
05-26-2015 Joongang Ilbo Plucky Foreigners Invest in the North
05-02-2015 Intl SN 韩媒称朝鲜为资本打开国门 351家外企入朝"淘金"
- 05-02-2015 MKNews [지금 평양] 24만 '평양 특권층'의 자격은?…달러? 애완견?
- 04-28-2015 중앙일보 [고수석의 대동강 생생 토크] 통치 유지하며 경제성장한 싱가포르가 북한 롤모델
- 04-22-2015 토요경제 중국, 북한 AIIB 가입 거부는 심각한 결과 초래할 것
- 04-09-2015 e27 North Koreans learn entrepreneurship in Singapore
- 04-07-2015 조선신보 대동강풍치를 보면서 맛좋은 커피를/평양호텔 전망대커피점
- 04-03-2015 BBC North Korea's capitalist streak
- 04-03-2015 Linkiesta La Corea del Nord cerca una svolta per la sua economia
- 04-03-2015 The Diplomat As AIIB Deadline Closes, These Two Applicants Might Be Out of Luck
January - March
- 03-31-2015 Sina Finance 朝鲜企业家组团赴新加坡取经
- 03-21-2015 Washington Post North Koreans take a lesson in business, starting with a ‘lean canvas’
- 03-04-2015 The Economist North Korea and Ebola: Fever Pitch
- 03-03-2015 뉴시스 "경제개발구 흥망성쇠, 北 정치경제적 입지에 영향"
- 02-28-2015 The Economist Spring release
- 02-24-2015 VOA N. Korea’s Ebola Restrictions Impede Economic Growth for Political Gain
- 02-05-2015 Deutsche Welle Educating North Korea's entrepreneurs of the future
- 02-01-2015 Nikkei Asian Review Entrepreneurs say there is business to be done in North Korea
- 02-01-2015 Yahoo Finance Capitalism holds the key to success in the ‘Kimdom’
- 01-28-2015 경남일보 경남대 극동硏, 국제학술회의 개최
- 01-28-2015 서울경제 대북사업가들이 전한 북한 경제의 오늘
- 01-28-2015 중앙일보 북한 대북 사업가 "북한 개혁개방 진행중"
- 01-28-2015 BBC What Does Kim Jong Un want?
- 01-28-2015 Xinhua News News Analysis: Business opportunity grows in DPRK despite challenges
- 01-24-2015 Christian Science Monitor From Mickey Mouse to mayonnaise, Kim Jong Un opens North a crack
January - March
- 03-30-2014 Channel A양에 등장한 택시 전쟁…임산부 전용도 생겨 (TV broadcast)
- 03-22-2014 Channel A 평양서 맛보는 ‘치즈 퐁듀’ 맛은? (TV broadcast)
- 03-22-2014 Nate (Yonhap) 평양의 퐁듀 레스토랑 체험기 '눈길'
- 03-11-2014 Financial Times North Korea: Glimmer of hope
- 02-07-2014 Chosun Ilbo 北서 여성 위한 경영 수업 인기…성적 우수자 90%가 여성
- 01-30-2014 CNBC Work Visas for North Koreans to China Gain 17%
- 01-06-2014 Forbes China Rason Economic Zone
- 01-02-2014 Chosun Ilbo N.Korean Officials Learn Capitalism in Singapore
April - June
- 06-29-2014 La Croix En Corée du Nord, l’essor des téléphones portables dévoile l’économie souterraine
- 06-19-2014 VOA 북한 라선에서 투자 유치 연수회 열려
- 06-12-2014 Chosun Ilbo 北 나진-선봉에 유럽식 식당 생겨
- 06-01-2014 Prestige Magazine Cross Border Venturer John Kim
- 05-19-2014 LA Times North Korea leader's 'executed' ex-girlfriend shows up alive on TV
- 05-22-2014 세계일보 "北관료, 특구회의서 中 쑤저우공업원구에 관심"
- 05-04-2014 Global Times Pyongyang invites Western NGOs to teach entrepreneurship
- 04-25-2014 AP Aid group faces funding crisis as international donors turn away from N. Korea
- 04-24-2014 The Shanghaiist "Interview: Geoffrey See and Andray Abrahamian of Choson Exchange"
- 04-16-2014 Maeil Kyongjae "고속철 기술 방식 맞추고 남북 TV 전송방식도 통합"
- 04-15-2014 Chosun Ilbo "北 관료들은 국제 경제·경영 열공 中"
- 04-14-2014 Hanguk Ilbo "북한 젊은층에 기업가 정신 전수하는 영국인"
- 04-10-2014 북한 맥주집에도 '포인트 카드'가 있다" - 평양에 부는 시장경제의 바람 [출처] 본 기사는 조선닷컴에서 작성된 기사 입니다
July - September
- 09-22-2014 Punnode 北韓:Choson Exchange 新創工作坊,發展鐵幕下的生態鍊
- 09-22-2014 The Guardian North Korea's unlikely tech startups
- 09-18-2014 Huffington Post The Tao of North Korea
- 09-16-2014 e27 Can North Korea create a startup culture?
- 09-12-2014 조선일보 북 당국, 외국 전문가 초청해 평양서 창업 워크숍 개최...젊은 북 경영인 40~50명 참여
- 09-01-2014 The Korea Times North Korea sees Ice Bucket Challenge
- 08-26-2014 The Diplomat North Korea (Gradually) Warms Up to Coffee
- 08-16-2014 AP Building Fail Sheds Light on N. Korean Priorities
- 08-15-2014 VOA 북한 리수용 외상 동남아 5개국 순방...외교 고립 탈피 노력
- 08-02-2014 The Diplomat High heels Are All the Rage in North Korea
- 07-24-2014 The Guardian North Korea unveils plans for underwater hotel in new 'tourist city'
- 07-14-2014 매일경제 "北 여성 8명, 싱가포르서 국제경영 연수"
October - December
- 12-11-2014 LA Review of Books Secrets and Lies
- 12-08-2014 La Croix Corée du Nord: l'émergence d’une économie souterraine menace Kim Jong-un
- 12-08-2014 Wall Street Journal Cellphones Can Spark Change in North Korea
- 12-02-2014 VOA 북한 새 대외선전 웹사이트, 관광 적극 홍보
- 11-14-2014 VOA "북한 경제특구 중 4 곳 성장 가능성"
- 11-15-2014 동아일보 최룡해 방러 앞두고 러시아와 농업협력 협의
- 11-11-2014 민족화해 “통일의기폭제는 남봐il 살고있는 사람들의 마음속어1 있어” (pg. 48-49)
- 11-6-2014 BBC News North Korea: surfing the net in the world's most isolated nation
- 11-2-2014 The Guardian In North Korea, fear takes hold over new foreign threat: Ebola
- 10-31-2014 BBC Tech Tent What kind of Tech Industry is there in North Korea? (16:28 to 21:30)
- 10-31-2014 NPR Why Is North Korea Freaked Out About The Threat Of Ebola?
- 10-31-2014 Washington Post North Korea’s reaction to Ebola makes fears of a zombie apocalypse look rational
- 10-31-2014 New York Times North Korea Said to Impose Ebola Quarantine on All Travelers
- 10-31-2014 AP North Korea quarantines all foreigners for 21 days over Ebola fears
- 10-14-2014 Gyongjae Herald 北 경제관료, 싱가포르·베트남서 연수…美방송
- 10-09-2014 Reuters North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has leg injury: source
- 10-09-2014 Reuters For Kim-watchers, N.Korean anniversary on Friday is pivotal
- 10-02-2014 Weiner Zeitung Alles Nur Ein Spiel
January - March
- 03-22-2013 The Nation New Spin on Ping-Pong Diplomacy
- 03-29-2013 China Economic Review Comrades in Alms
- 03-19-2013 Reuters North Korean elite beating sanctions, one plasma TV at a time
- 02-27-2013 The Diplomat Dennis Rodman in North Korea: Diplomacy or Tourism?
- 02-25-2013 Kyodo News ANALYSIS: S. Korea’s Park faces tough tasks dealing with N. Korea, Japan
- 02-13-2013 BBC North Korea ‘sanctions’ not working properly
- 02-09-2013 The Economist Rumblings from below
- “There are, however, tentative signs of openness to the outside world. Groups like Choson Exchange … have set up workshops with North Korean civil servants to discuss previously touchy subjects such as banking and finance.”
- 01-17-2013 Quartz What North Korea’s economy might look like if it ever reunited with the South
- 01-14-2013 The Global Mail North Korea Dips Toe Into Australian Waters
- 01-13-2013 LinkTV Asia Google in the DPRK
- 01-03-2013 San Jose Mercury News Google’s Eric Schmidt Plans to Visit North Korea
April - June
- 06-21-2013 The Diplomat Kim Jong-Un’s $7 Million Yacht: Living It Up Under UN Sanctions
- 06-21-2013 The Economist Cheeseburgers in Paradise Island
- The Economist goes to Pyongyang: “However, instead of challenging me over The Economist’s view of the world economy, they pumped me for facts—hard facts.”
- 06-11-2013 The Atlantic Some North Koreans Get Business Internships in Singapore
- 05-23-2013 Reuters European banks stop sending money to North Korea: aid groups
- 05-22-2013 Channel News Asia Views on the News
- 04-20-2013 Today Online Ice cream in S’pore, coffee in Pyongyang
- 04-19-2013 The Diplomat Pulitzer Winner: “The Orphan Master’s Son” Peers into North Korea’s Heart
- 04-18-2013 Yonhap News First artisan coffee shop opens in N. Korea
- 04-7-2013 Channel News Asia Views on the News
- 04-10-2013 Online Opinion Engaging North Korea: time to rethink and retool
July - September
- 09-18-2013 Channel News Asia Economic Necessity may force N. Korea to Open Up
- 09-18-2013 Christian Science Monitor North Koreans are visiting Singapore – whither the ‘hermit’ kingdom?
- 09-04-2013 Chosun Ilbo Coffee Shops Add to Pyongyang’s Dolche Vita
- 08-31-2013 Business Insider Vous Prendrez Bien un Petit Expresso Nord-Coréen ?
- 08-31-2013 France 24 Did Kim Jong Un Execute his Ex-girlfriend?
- 07-29-2013 The Diplomat Pyongyang’s Arirang Festival: Eye Candy for the Masses
October - December
- 12-13-2013 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute China’s Policy on North Korea: Economic Engagement and Nuclear Disarmament
- 12-08-2013 《人物》杂志 教朝鲜人经商
- 12-05-2013 The Guardian North Korea Faces a Long Road to Reform
- 11-20-2013 Forbes Asia Things Are Brewing In North Korea’s Rason Zone
- 11-18-2013 The Hankyoreh North Korea’s Dilemma
- 10-22-2013 TechinAsia Does North Korea really have a budding tech scene? [INTERVIEW]
- 10-07-2013 NPR (AP) NKorea Rushes To Finish Lavish Ski Resort
- 10-10-2013 Global Post Wanna do business in North Korea? Good luck!
January - March
- 03-28-2012 Hanguk Gyeongjae “바젤3가 뭡네까” 시장경제 배우는 평양 엘리트들
- 03-15-2012 Donga Ilbo 北, 해외연수 활발…‘김정은식 개혁’ 시작?
- 03-08-2012 Joongang Ilbo 北에도 이런 모델이? 파격 과감 포즈 ‘후끈’
- 03-03-2012 Joongang Ilbo 北 관료들, “3월 평양서 국제 경제 연수 실시”
- 2-27-2012 CNN/The Global Mail Tiramisu Time in Pyongyang
- 2-26-2012 Associated Press (via CBS) China brings supermarket concept to North Korea
- 2-24-2012 Joongang Ilbo 北 여성들 가장 좋아하는 취미는
- 2-23-2012 The Economist – Which MBA? “…indeed the “around 20 young officials and employees of state-run enterprises” might be considered among North Korea’s first business students. ” Korea Change
- 2-22-2012 The Korea Herald Teaching business skills in the Hermit Kingdom
- 2-16-2012 The BBC Made in North Korea: Business in a ‘communist monarchy’
- 2-14-2012 The Washington Post In North Korea, role of foreign currency grows
- 2-1-2012 SBS News: South Korean broadcaster picks up on an op-ed we wrote about North Korea’s commercial life “북 서비스업 유치 적극…패스트푸드점 늘어”
- 1-14-2012 Maeil Kyongjae 1980년대 北 여성모델, 과감한 원피스 `센스 만점`
- 1-10-2012 Wall Street Journal Korea Real Time Rumors from the North This Week
April - June
- 06-08-2012 Joongang Ilbo (via RFA): Various media outlets pick up on our blog post about women in business in North Korea. “사업 수완 뛰어난 北 고학력 女, 만나보니…”
- 05-12-2012 Washington Post (via AP) North Korea looking to Singapore and Indonesia for business know-how and investment
- 04-22-2012 Al Jazeera Listening Post Chinese whispers: Murder, mystery, the media
- 04-12-2012 Kyodo News FOCUS: N. Korea likely to follow rocket failure with nuclear bomb test: experts
- 04-02-2012 Maeil Gyeongjae 北상위 1%, 금융맨 되고파
- 04-02-2012 Korea Times North Koreans eager to learn int’l business norms
July - September
- 09-11-2012 Rodong Sinmun Foreign Delegations and Delegates Arrive
- 08-23-2012 Reuters TV: A somewhat sweaty Andray talks about how young people in Pyongyang are more interested in business than ever before. Taking North Korea’s pulse, from China border boomtown
- 08-20-2012 Associated Press (via Asahi Shimbun) North Koreans talk shop with foreigners at trade fair
- 08-08-2012 VOA Pyongyang to Host International Frisbee Tournament
- 08-06-2012 Yonhap News (Yonhap Feature) Westerners try new tool for friendship with North Korea: frisbee
- 07-30-2012 Knowledge @Wharton Entrepreneurship in North Korea? Bringing Business Concepts to a Communist Nation
- 07-27-2012 Kyodo News FOCUS: Marriage Reports, reform plan raise hope for change in N. Korea
- 07-04-2012 Deutsche Welle Frisbee Tournament Opens Up North Korea
- 12-17-2012 Maeil GyeongJae: A major South Korean economic newspaper recaps our internship program in Singapore. 北 20~30대 7명 싱가포르서 `인턴십`
January - March
- 03-09-2011 Radio Free Asia: “경제 분야를 중심으로 그동안 북한과의 학술교류를 추진해 온 미국의 비정부기구 ‘조선교류(Choson Exchange)’는 북한 학생이 모국을 떠나 해외에서 연수를 받거나… ” 북, 올들어 교육관광 상품 잇따라 선보여
- 01-10-2011 La Croix (in French): Feature article in French paper on our work La Croix – 10 janvier 2010 – Cours eco Pyongyang
- 01-03-2011 BBC News Educational programme brings foreigners to North Korea
June - July
- 07-25-2011 Wall Street Journal China Real Time: 朝鲜交流:北朝鲜法律框架追寻中国体制 朝鲜建外商投资法律框架 向中国学习
- 07-22-2011 Wall Street Journal Korea Real Time NK Follows China in Legal FDI Framework
- 06-06-2011 Caijing Magazine (in Chinese) 朝鲜“体制外改革”
- 09-27-2011 Washington Post In a North Korean port city, foreign investment starts to flow
- 09-20-2011 Yonhap News Communication limited in N. Korea’s Rason economic zone: report
- 北나선에선 오라스콤 휴대전화 무용지물
- 09-06-2011 Associated Press (via Businessweek) Eager for trade, North Korea looks to China
- 09-06-2011 AFP (via France 24) N. Korea takes a stab at capitalism in remote area
- 09-01-2011 Yonhap News: 조선교류: “지난 6월에만 해도 3시간 30분 걸리던 50㎞ 구간이 나선경제특구의 첫번째 단계인 도로확장 공사로 넓어져 차량간 추월이 가능해 졌을 뿐 아니라 시간도 2시간 20분으로 단축됐다” 달라진 北 나선특구..중.러 노동자 목격
October - November
11-08-2011 민족화해 북한의 차세대 리더들을 돕는 싱가포르 ‘Choson Exchange’
11-08-2011 Donga Ilbo 北, 나선지역 외국인에 휴대전화 허용
10-22-2011 Joongang Ilbo English North Koreans learn lessons in Singapore
- 10-21-2011 Chosun Ilbo 오라스콤, 北서 휴대전화 인터넷서비스 계획
- 조선익스체인지: “오라스콤 관계자가 북한의 3세대 이동통신 서비스에 인터넷 접속 기능을 추가할 계획이며 현재 서비스 시험단계라고 말했다”
- 10-19-2011 Joongang Ilbo 30대 젊은 北관료들 싱가포르 갔다가 충격 받은 이유
- 조선익스체인지: “북한 정부 관료들이 `싱가포르의 경제 성장과 정책이 매우 인상깊다. 배우고 싶다`고 했다”
- 10-18-2011 Yonhap News 30대 北관료들 싱가포르 경제 배우길 원해
- mk 뉴스 30대 북 관료 싱가포르 경제연수에 적극적
- 조선익스체인지: “북한 관료들이 싱가포르의 경제 성장과 정책이 매우 인상 깊다며 평소에도 관심이 많았고 배우고 싶다고 했다”
- 10-13-2011 Joongang Ilbo 北 차세대 관료들, 싱가포르서 경제정책 연수
- “연수에 참가한 북한 관리들 대부분 20-30대 차세대 지도자”
- 10-05-2011 Le Monde Pyongyang collection…
- 10-04-2011 Yonhap News (via Dong A Ilbo) 포즈 취하는 北 여성들 사진보니 ‘얼짱각도’
- 10-03-2011 mk 뉴스 (Maeil Kyongje) 1980-90 북한 패션 엿보기
- 12-30-2011 Radio Free Asia: “…김정일 국방위원장의 애도 기간에도 불구하고 대북 교류 사업을 더욱 활발히 진행하길 바란다고 말했다”고 전했습니다 북, 애도기간에도 NGO대북사업 관심
- 12-27-2011 Kyodo News S. Korea mulls new approaches to N. Korea after Kim Jong Il’s death
- 12-23-2011 The Straits Times Singapore firms see potential in North Korea
- 12-23-2011 Munhwa Ilbo: Munhwa Ilbo notes that Choson Exchange economic programs are scheduled to continue despite Kim Jong Il’s passing 北, 해외 경제교류 지속
- 12-21-2011 The Non-Profit Quarterly: “Many of the press reports in the wake of Kim Jong Il’s death have cited a Singapore-based nonprofit called the Choson Exchange…” Nonprofits Eke Out Knowledge about Events Big and Small in North Korea
- 12-21-2011 The Korean Herald - Geoffrey: “It is important for countries to reach out early and aggressively with a variety of programs and opportunities to offer a new generation of leadership an ‘open path’ to positive change” Hope and uncertainty for N.K. charities after Kim’s death
- 12-20-2011 Associated Press (via Detroit Free Press) New young leader of North Korea is a man of mystery
- 12-19-2011 The Guardian North Koreans’ reaction to Kim Jong-il’s death is impossible to gauge
- 12-19-2011 The Guardian After Kim Jong-il’s death, what next for the people of North Korea?
- 12-19-2011 Associated Press (via Chicago Tribune) With Kim Jong Il’s death, young son vaults from ‘Respected General’ to ‘Great Successor’
- 12-19-2011 Reuters Information black hole as North Korean leader dies
- 12-19-2011 Wall Street Journal (Southeast Asia Real Time) Singapore Nonprofit Expects Stable Transition in Pyongyang
11-27-2010 Straits Times Group helps N. Koreans gain financial know-how
10-28-2010 Radio Free Asia: “‘조선교류’ 측은 최근 북한 당국자와 전화 통화에서 북한 학생들이 싱가포르에서 공부할 수 있도록…” 북, 미 단체에 싱가포르 유학 도움 요청
- 10-20-2010 Radio Free Asia: 재정ㆍ경제학을 중심으로 북한과 학술교류를 추진해온 이 단체는 지난달에도 평양에서 북한의 경제ㆍ금융 전문가를 대상으로 국제경제의 체계와 전략 및 적용 방안을 강의했다. 경제개발 지원자료 북한에 전달
- 10-21-2010 MK News (매일경제) “US NGO Spreads Policy Materials in North Korea”
- 09-30-2010 Radio Free Asia “북 관리, MIT•예일대 출신 강사에 존경심”
- 09-20-2010 Korea Times Ambitious Graduates Seek to Help North Korea
- 09-20-2010 Radio Free Asia 미국 전문가 등 방북, 재정•경제학 강의