2020 has proven to be a busy year despite COVID19. Our team continues to innovate and introduce new education programs. We are excited to make coming announcements on some of these programs that have taken place despite COVID19.
We also hosted Bryan Tan from the University of Cambridge who has contributed this chapter on the lessons learned from Choson Exchange’s work on what ASEAN can do for inter-Korean economic engagement. We note that this piece was modified by editors significantly to fit the context of the book. Check out the e-book and also our other reports.
ASEAN NGOs are well placed to provide capacity-building in sectors that are important to the long-term economic health of North Korea, for example, infrastructure 176 l The New Southern Policy: Catalyst for Deepening ASEAN-ROK Cooperation development. The training initiatives designed by Choson Exchange have provided valuable lessons in how to engage North Korean policymakers and people. Both governmental and non-governmental organizations from ASEAN have much to offer the DPRK government. The Three Pillars of the NSP – People, Prosperity and Peace – which are inter-connected and mutually reinforcing can be applied to the engagement with and reaching out to North Korea. Indeed, ASEAN is the ideal partner for the ROK for this endeavour.