our blog

2014: Time for website updates

Welcome to Choson Exchange’s new site!

Give the leanness of our operations, we have always thought about revamping the website but never got around to making it a priority. Thanks to the work of a volunteer with Choson Exchange, we now have an amazing new website, with the following features:

  • Focus on our blog: Our blog have been a primary forum for us to share the work we do, and greatly enjoy, in North Korea training young professionals. We have always believed that our work provides us a different angle from which to view the country and its people. We hope that the stories from our work, or our perspective on Korea-relevant issues, contribute to a deeper understanding of an emerging generation in the country.
  • Easier navigation: You can now navigate to all pages of our site from the top banner navigation, which exists on every page.
  • Community discussions: We welcome the community to engage in meaningful discussions on our site, comments may be written under each blog entry.
  • Optimized mobile views: Our new site format makes it easier to read on mobile devices. Read the Choson Exchange blog on the go!

Our team spent a considerable time curating the kinds of data and information to help others understand the work that we do.

Volunteers are the foundation of our work, and a key reason why we can do so much with so little. Our website volunteer has also helped us with various program strategies, and played a role in drawing up the Women in Business program. We are glad for her support, and for the support of other passionate volunteers and workshop leaders.